Managing Tenancies
Every tenant is entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their home for as long as they wish provided they are able to do so safely and in accordance with their tenancy agreement.
Most of our tenants hold an assured tenancy which means the main way the association can ask a tenant to leave is by obtaining a court order.
The Association is entitled to seek possession of a property if:
- A tenant breaches their tenancy agreement
- It is deemed to be in the best interest of the tenant on health and/or safety grounds
We expect all our tenants to abide by their tenancy agreement, this includes ensuring that their visitors behave appropriately and respectfully while at our schemes.
Preventing and tackling antisocial behaviour is a priority for us. This section briefly outlines what can be done if nuisance neighbour, harassment or domestic abuse occurs. We also publish summaries of our key policies which provide more detail.
Examples of Antisocial Behaviour
- Intimidation and harassment
- Violence or threats of violence
- Noise nuisance such as loud music, shouting or high TV volume late at night
- Domestic abuse or violence from a partner, parents or children
- Graffiti or vandalism
- Dumping rubbish
Abuse from someone in the home
Domestic abuse means threats or acts of harassment or assault by someone living in the same property. Abuse can take many forms including mental, physical, sexual or financial abuse.
Our message to anyone experiencing abuse in one of our properties is clear: don’t suffer in silence. Domestic abuse is a crime and we will take the necessary action to support our tenants.
Common questions and queries about tenancies
Can tenants move due to ASB?
We aim to sort out cases and keep tenants in their home. In very serious cases, the courts may allow us to evict the person causing the problem. However, we will consider moving a tenant to a new property if there is a serious threat to their safety.
Neighbour problems
Sometimes tenants have disagreements or disputes with each other, when this happens we encourage tenants to try to resolve such issues among themselves in the first instance.
If a resolution cannot be reached, the Association will work with tenants and third parties to resolve problems.
If the problem is serious, tenants can contact us for help.
If the problem is very serious e.g. threats of violence or actual violence, tenants should contact the police.